Saturday, January 27, 2007

"Jean, I want to have Carnal Knowledge of you"

I was in Chinatown today, and was heading back home on my Dad's car. As usual, it was tuned to Class 95, my dad's favorite station.

At that time, it was Car Tunes, hosted by Jean Danker. As usual, she accepts calls and plays random music to help everyone ease through the usual peak hour jam.

She was talking about a very interesting telephone conversation she had with someone earlier.

It went something along the lines of...

Jean: Class 95. Hello.

Dude: Hello Jean. My name is Mr X. {Note: I forgot his name. Not that it's significant anyway}

Jean: Hello.

Dude: I want to exchange bodily fluids with you.

Jean: Excuse me?

Dude: I love you. I want to rock your world.


(Transcripter's note: change all the weird words to "the process where babies are created").

Well, at the first time, I smiled. It was, kinda, funny. It was followed up with a caller's reaction.

Then, after a few songs and advertisements, it was played.



Seriously, such conversations should not be aired in the first place. It's funny as hell, but, like what some callers said, what if there's some kid taking a ride home at that time?

This isn't a case of being "open" or "closed" to sexuality topics. This is a case of morals. There's a time to be open, and there's a time to be closed.

Isn't that why there are censors in effect?

Dirty jokes, may be funny on first telling. Unfortunately, after that, they, unlike wine, don't age well.

Never say it a second time, even if no one else has heard it. That's because people like me, will hear it twice, and won't really find it that funny, having some guy whispering that he wants to bed the DJ.

So please, class 95, even if it cannot be screened, don't replay it. Sex jokes on public radio don't go down too well.


As I said, I was in Chinatown today, wandering around, no idea why I was there, except for that my mom dragged me along.

So, I wandered to Chinatown Point.


There's a stall called Hyper Media, on the 2nd floor. It imports animes from Taiwan (DVDs, not the crappy VCDs we get here), and sells them here.

It also has quite a lot of posters. Don't bother with the figurines though. Pretty badly painted. >_>

However, here's the catch: The pricing is very steep.

A full set of AIR would cost around $120 (Roughly $20 a disc stall-wide).

Still... I guess it breathes life into this almost dying anime scene where everyone download fansubs. LoL.

If I had the cash, I would have brought the AIR dvd set ._.


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